MS Centrum Amsterdam

Living a life with MS, but without experiencing limitations, so that people with MS can lead a normal daily life! Our goal for 2030 is to make this possible.

MS is a disorder of the brain and spinal cord and causes both physical and mental complaints. Many people with MS have to take a step back from their work at a young age or even have to stop working. Relatives also notice the changes in their shared social life and become increasingly involved in care over the course of the illness. People with MS deteriorate and more and more bodily functions fail. For some this happens quickly, for others slowly, but they have one certainty in common: they will never live without limitations again.

The MS Center Amsterdam is a world leader when it comes to research and treatment of MS. Much progress has been made in the past 20 years, for example, more than fifteen medicines have been developed to slow down the disease. But more is needed, because it is not yet possible to stop MS. And this is precisely where we want to make a difference in the coming years: offering people with MS an almost normal daily life because they experience no limitations due to their condition.
How? Through tailor-made treatment: the right medicine in the right dosage at the right time.

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07-07-2024 | 11:34 To: Dr. Bernard Uitdehaag